Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Writing Sample: Chit Chat for Facebook

Chit Chat for Facebook might be a solution to two common problems we have in communicating with our friends online. Nobody really e-mails anymore, with exceptions for business, birthday e-cards, party e-vites, and forwards of the funny or spammy variety. People like instant response. This is why they use instant messengers, but unfortunately not everyone can decide on the same one. Half our friends prefer one IM client over the other, yet we're the accommadating ones who have every single one. It's just a hassle.

However, almost everybody has a Facebook. This has made Facebook chat a great way for communicating with our friends. They're all in the same place, and we don't have to guess which IM client they'll be using. Sadly, we are stuck in that we must be logged into Facebook in a browser and be paying attention to it when we might have other things we need to do online, like forwarding a funny cat picture or playing online videogames.

Chit Chat for Facebook combines the conveniences of Facebook chat with those of an IM client. Chit Chat for Facebook is an IM client that works over Facebook chat. You don't even need to be logged into the site to use it. Just log into the client! The program alerts you when you get a new message, so you're free to watch the funny videos your cousin sent you. You can save logs of your conversations, just like with other instant messengers. You can alter your font to be bold or underlined, and you can even use emoticons.

However, Chit Chat for Facebook does much more than turn Facebook chat into an IM client. You can use this client to write on your friends' walls, update your status, and even send private messages to your friends without having to log into Facebook. More and more people sign up for Facebook everyday, making Facebook chat an invaluable communication tool. Chit Chat for Facebook just adds practicality and convenience. No longer will we have to worry about which instant messengers our friends use, nor will we be confined to a browser to use Facebook chat.

More information on Chit Chat for Facebook can be found at chitchat.org.uk, and can be downloaded at chitchat.org.uk/download/.

Disclaimer: I am in no way associated with Chit Chat for Facebook and have not been paid for this review.


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